Tuesday, December 18, 2018


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

When you are plagued by a persistent problem - one that goes on and on - view it as a rich opportunity.  An ongoing problem is like a tutor who is always by your side.  The learning possibilities are limited only by your willingness to be teachable.  In faith, thank Me for your problem.  Ask Me to open your eyes and your heart to all that I am accomplishing through this difficulty.  Once you have become grateful for a problem, it loses its power to drag you down.  On the contrary, your thankful attitude will lift you up into heavenly places with Me.  From this perspective, your difficulty can be seen as a slight, temporary distress that is producing for you a transcendent Glory never to cease! 

"Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in His Presence"


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

Pray for God to give you a heightened awareness of the way you're thinking.  Try to become alert to times when you're thinking according to the flesh.  Recognize the feeling it is sowing in your heart.

I often hear people say,  "I can't change the way I feel."  No, but we can change the way we think, and that in turn will change the way we feel.  The less we feed the Spirit of God within us with things that energize Him to fill us, the more His presence will "shrink" within us.  But praise God, the opposite is also true.  The more we feed the Spirit of God and yield to His control, the more His presence will fill and satiate us with life and peace.

"Breaking Free - Day by Day"


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

Once we are willing to see the sin that is involved in our strongholds and agree with God through confession, we begin to see the lies surrounding us.  It's in tearing down these lies wallpapering our  minds that our prison doors swing open.

But while satan does not possess the power or authority to lock believers in prisons of oppression, he does work overtime to talk us into staying, having wooed us there with all the lures he has perfected.  Unfortunately, he doesn't require a written invitation to do his dirty work.  Our failure to post a "keep away" sign through Bible study and prayer can be an invitation by default.

"Breaking Free - Day by Day"

Monday, December 10, 2018


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians  4:31

Many of our mammoth captors began as seeds in the thought of life, but we watered and cultivated them by continued meditation until they grew to the size of Sequoias!  Other times, sudden unwelcome of over-whelming circumstances cause full-grown trees to appear.  But no matter whether these captors of ours began as seeds or trees, their destructive force assumes the size they occupy in our mind.

Securing a steadfast mind, then, is not a matter of denial.  Rather, it begins with admitting the truth.  Then with our willing cooperation, Bod begins to strip the power from these controlling thoughts so they no longer hold destructive power over us.

"Breaking Free Day By Day"

Sunday, December 2, 2018


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

I Am the Prince of Peace.  As I said to My disciples, I say also to you:  Peace be with you.  Since I am your constant Companion, My Peace is steadfastly with you.  When you keep your focus on Me, you experience both My Presence and My Peace.  Worship Me as King of kings, Lord of lords, and Prince of Peace.

You need My Peace each moment to accomplish My purposes in your life.  Sometimes you are tempted to take shortcuts, in order to reach your goal as quickly as possible.  But if the shortcut requires turning your back on My peaceful Presence, you must choose the longer route.  Walk with Me along paths of Peace; enjoy the journey in My Presence.

"Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in His Presence"


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

Every one of us creatures who have cast ourselves on God's mercy can know for certain that His righteousness will never fail, nor will we fail when we choose to obey Him.  His righteousness will last forever, and so will we, because He credits our belief with eternal righteousness.

Yes, the same Lord who is our Maker is also our Defender.  Our oppressor will one day cower at His feet.  The God who churns up the sea can also make a road in its depths so that we may cross over.  The One who set the heavens in place and laid the foundations of the earth covers us with the shadow of His Hand.

"Breaking Free Day by Day"

Saturday, December 1, 2018


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

I love you with an everlasting love, which flows out from the depths of eternity.  Before you were born, I knew you.  Ponder the awesome mystery of a Love that encompasses you from before birth to beyond the grave.

Modern man has lost the perspective of eternity.  To distract himself from the gaping jaws of death, he engages in ceaseless activity and amusement.  The practice of being still in My Presence is almost a lost art, yet it is this very stillness that enables you to experience My eternal Love.  You need the certainty of my loving Presence in order to weather the storms of life.  During the times of severe testing, even the best theology can fail you if it isn't accompanied by experiential knowledge of Me.  The ultimate protection against sinking during life's storms is devoting time to develop your friendship with Me.

"Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in His Presence"


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

Problems are part of life.  They are inescapable: woven into the very fabric of this fallen world.  You tend to go into problem-solving mode all too readily, acting as if you have the capacity to fix everything.  This is a habitual response, so automatic that it bypasses your conscious thinking.  Not only does this habit frustrate you, it also distances you from Me.

Do not let fixing things be your top priority.  You are ever so limited in your capacity to correct all that is wrong in the world around you.  Don't weigh yourself down with responsibilities that are not your own.  Instead, make your relationship with Me your primary concern.  Talk with Me about whatever is on your mind, seeking My perspective on the situation.  Rather than trying to fix everything that comes to your attention, ask Me to show you what is truly important.  Remember that you are en route to heaven, and let your problems fade in the Light of eternity.

"Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in His Presence"

Thursday, November 29, 2018


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord: "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

Let me infuse My Peace into your innermost being.  As you sit quietly in the Light of My Presence, you can sense Peace growing within you.  This is not something that you accomplish through self-discipline and willpower: it is opening yourself to receive My blessing.

In this age of independence, people find it hard to acknowledge their neediness.  However, I have taken you along a path that has highlighted  your need for Me:  placing  you in situations where your strengths were irrelevant and your weaknesses were glaringly evident.  Through the aridity of those desert marches, I have drawn  you closer and closer to Myself.  You have discovered flowers of Peace blossoming in the most desolate places.  You have learned to thank Me for hard times and difficult journeys, trusting that through them I accomplish My best work.  You have realized that needing Me is the key to knowing Me intimately, which is the gift above all gifts.

"Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in His Presence"

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

Learn to listen to Me even while you are listening to other people.  As they open their souls to your scrutiny, you are on holy ground.  You need the help of My Spirit to respond appropriately.  Ask Him to think through you, live through you, love through you.  My own Being is alive within you in the Person of the Holy Spirit.  If you respond to others' needs through your unaided thought processes, you offer them dry crumbs.  When the Spirit empowers your listening and speaking, My streams of living water flow through you to other people.  Be a channel of My Love, Joy, and Peace by listening to Me as you listen to others.

"Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in My Presence"


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

I Am with you.  I Am with you.  I Am with you.  Heaven's bells continually peal with that promise of My Presence.  Some people never hear those bells because their minds are earthbound and their hearts are closed to Me.  Others hear the bells only once or twice in their lifetimes, in rare moments of seeking me above all else.  My desire is that My "sheep" hear My voice continually, for I am the ever-present Shepherd.

Quietness is the classroom where you learn to hear My Voice.  Beginners need a quiet place in order to still their minds.  As you advance in this discipline, you gradually learn to carry the stillness with you wherever you go.  When you step back into the mainstream of life, strain to hear those glorious bells:  I Am with you.  I Am with you.  I Am with you.

"Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in His Presence"


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

Linger in My Presence a while.  Rein in your impulses to plunge into the day's activities.  Beginning your day alone with Me is essential preparation for success.  A great athlete takes time to prepare himself mentally for the feat ahead of him before he moves a muscle.  Similarly, your time of being still in My Presence equips you for the day ahead of you.  Only I know what will happen to you this day.  I have arranged the events you will encounter as you go along your way.  If you are not adequately equipped for the journey, you will grow weary and lose heart.  Relax with Me while I ready you for action.

"Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in His Presence"


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians  4:31

Lie down in green pastures of Peace.  Learn to unwind whenever possible, resting in the Presence of your Shepherd.  This electronic age keeps My children "wired" much of the time, too tense to find Me in the midst of their moments.  I built into your very being the need for rest.  How twisted the world has become when people feel guilty about meeting this basic need!  How much time and energy they waste by being always on the go, rather than taking time seek My direction for their lives.

I have called you to walk with Me down paths of Peace.  I want you to blaze a trail for others who desire to live in My peaceful Presence.  I have chosen you less for your strengths than for your weaknesses, which amplify your need for Me.  Depend on Me more and more, and I will shower Peace on all your paths.

"Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in His Presence"


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

Worship Me in the beauty of holiness.  All true beauty reflects some of who I AM.  My ways in you: the divine Artist creating loveiness within your being.  My main work is to clear out debris and clutter, making room for My Spirit to take full possession.  Collaborate with Me in this effort by being willing to let go of anything I choose to take away.  I know what you need, and I have promised to provide all of that - abundantly!

Your sense of security must not rest in your possessions or in things going your way.  I am training you to depend on Me alone, finding fulfillment in My Presence.  This entails being satisfied with much or with little, accepting either as My will for the moment.  Instead of grasping and controlling, you are learning to release and receive.  Cultivate this receptive stance by trusting Me in every situation.

"Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in His Presence"

Monday, November 5, 2018


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath,  and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

Walk peacefully with me through this day.  You are wondering how you will cope with all that is expected of you.  You must traverse this day like any other:one step at a time.  Instead of mentally rehearsing how you will do this or that, keep your mind on My Presence and on taking the next step.  The more demanding your day, the more help you can expect from Me.  This is a training opportunity, since I designed  for deep dependence on your Shepherd King.  Challenging times wake you up and simplify your awareness of needing My help.

When you don't know what todo, wait while I open the way before you.  Trust that I know what I'm doing, and be ready to follow My lead.  I will give strength to you, and I will bless you with Peace.

"Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in His Presence"

Thursday, September 13, 2018


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice." Ephesians 4:31

We've all known people who claimed they'd be happy if only they were married, had children, had a big house, or had the right job.  But most people who are banking on circumstantial contentment  will find themselves in emotional bankruptcy sooner or later.

Unhappy people are not made happy by marriage, by children, or by any other possession they don't have at the moment.  An unhappy person usually needs a change of heart more than a change of circumstances.  I don't believe God will allow surrendered hearts to continue to long for things He will not ultimately grant in one way or another.

"Breaking Free - Day by Day"  Beth Moore

Thursday, September 6, 2018


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

Do everything in dependence on Me.  The desire to act independently - apart from Me - springs from the root of pride.  Self-sufficiency is subtle, insinuating its way into your thoughts and actions without your realizing it.  But apart from Me, you can do nothing; that is, nothing of eternal value.  My deepest desire for you is that you learn to depend on Me in every situation.  I move heaven and earth to accomplish this purpose, but you must collaborate with Me in this training.  Teaching you would be simple if I negated your free will or overwhelmed you with My Power.  However, I love you too much to withdraw the godlike privilege I bestowed on you as My image-bearer.  Use your freedom wisely, by relying on Me constantly.  Thus you enjoy My Presence and My Peace.

"Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in His Presence"


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

Someone who has never experienced rejection might wonder whether or not it's a serious form of suffering.  However, if you've been rejected by someone you love, you'll agree that few injuries are more excruciating.

So take heart in this:  God was pleased to make you His own.  Pleased!  He didn't just feel sorry for you.  He wasn't obligated to you.  He chose you because He delights in you.  You were never meant to get through life by the skin of your teeth.  You were meant to flourish in the love and acceptance of Almighty Jehovah.  When He sings over you, dance!

"Breaking Free - Day By Day"  Beth Moore


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

Come to Me with your plans held in abeyance.  Worship Me in spirit and in truth, allowing My Glory to permeate your entire being.  Trust Me enough to let Me guide you through this day, accomplishing My purposes in My timing.  Subordinate your myriad plans to My Master Plan.  I am sovereign over every aspect of your life!

The challenge continually before you is to trust Me and search for My way through each day.  Do not blindly follow your habitual route, or you will miss what I have prepared for you.  As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.

"Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in His Presence"


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

As you sit quietly in My Presence, remember that I am a God of abundance.  I will never run out of resources; My capacity to bless you is unlimited.  You live in a world of supply and demand, where necessary things are often scarce.  Even if you personally have enough, you see poverty in the world around you.  It is impossible for you to comprehend the lavishness of My provisions: the fullness of My glorious riches.  

Through spending time in My Presence, you gain glimpses of My overflowing vastness.  These glimpses are tiny foretastes of what you will experience eternally in heaven.  Even now you have access to as much of Me as you have faith to receive.  Rejoice in My abundance - living by faith, not by sight.

"Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in His Presence"


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

WATCH YOUR WORDS DILIGENTLY.  Words have such great power to bless or to wound.  When you speak carelessly or negatively, you damage others as well as yourself.  This ability to verbalize is an awesome privilege, granted only to those I created in My image.  You need help in wielding this mighty power responsibly.

Though the world applauds quick-witted retorts, My instructions about communication are quite different:  Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.  Ask My Spirit to help you whenever you speak.  I have trained you to pray - "Help me, Holy Spirit" - before answering the phone, and you have seen the benefits of this discipline.  Simply apply the same discipline to communicating with people around you.  If they are silent, pray before speaking to them.  If they are talking, pray before responding.  These are split-second prayers, but they put you in touch with My Presence.  In this way, your speaking comes under the control of My Spirit.  As positive speech patterns replace your negative ones, the increase in your Joy will amaze you.


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord: "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

I am yours for all eternity.  I am the Alpha and the Omega:  the One who is and was and is to come.  The world you inhabit is a place of constant changes - more than your mind can absorb without going into shock.  Even the body you inhabit is changing relentlessly, in spite of modern science's attempts to prolong youth and life indefinitely.  I, however, am the same, yesterday, and today and forever.

Because I never change, your relationship with Me provides a rock-solid foundation for your life.  I will never leave your side.  When you move on from this life to the next, My Presence beside you will shine brighter with each step.  You have nothing to fear, because I am with you for all time and throughout eternity.

"Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in His Presence"


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath,and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

Learn to enjoy life more.  Relax, remembering that I am God with you.  I crafted you with enormous capacity to know Me and enjoy My Presence.  When My people wear sour faces and walk through their lives with resigned rigidity, I am displeased.  When you walk through a day with childlike delight, savoring every blessing, you proclaim your trust in Me, your ever-present Shepherd.  The more you focus on My Presence with you, the more fully you can enjoy life.  Glorify Me through your pleasure in Me.  Thus you proclaim My Presence to the watching world.

"Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in His Presence"

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from us, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

Entrust your loved ones to Me; release them into My protective care.  They are much safer with Me than in your clinging hands.  If you let a loved one become an idol in your heart, you endanger that one - as well as yourself.  Remember the extreme measures I used with Abraham and Isaac.  I took Isaac to the very point of death to free Abraham from son-worship.  Both Abraham and Isaac suffered terribly because of the father's undisciplined emotions.  I detest idolatry, even in the form of parental love.

When you release loved ones to Me, you are free to cling to My hand.  As you entrust others into My care, I am free to shower blessings on them.  My Presence will go with them wherever they go, and I will give them rest.  This same Presence stays with you, as you relax and place your trust in Me.  Watch to see what I will do.

Realize that God's unquestionable will.....

Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord: "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

  Realize that God's unquestionable will for you is your freedom from the yoke, but also trust that He has written a personalized prescription for your release.

     God may have used a method to set someone else free that doesn't work as effectively for you.  Perhaps the success of others has done little more than increase your discouragement and self-hatred.  But don't let the enemy play mind games with you.  God's strength is tailor-made for weakness.  We are never stronger than the moment when we admit we are weak.  Seek God diligently and ask Him to show you the way to victory.

"Breaking Free - Day By Day"   Beth Moore

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

I believe I can confidently......

Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

     I believe I can confidently and reverently say to you that God can put any broken person back together again, no matter what he or she has suffered.  I'm not just saying that God can cause a person to maintain his or her physical existence after tragedy.  Many people live through tragedy.

     Physical existence is not what Christ died to bring us.  He came that we might have life and have it more abundantly.  As impossible and unreachable as this truth may seem, God can restore abundant life.  For now, you may just need to keep breathing, but you can learn to live once again.

"Breaking Free - Day By Day"  Beth Moore

If man could truly......

Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians  4:31

     If man could truly subdue all his fleshly appetites by the pure power of his own determination, he would simply worship his own will.  But if the Word of God is about anything at all, it is about God's will rather than ours.  Our liberty is paradoxically discovered through the will of God rather than our own.

     Through the might of the Holy Spirit, we are empowered to say "no" to things we should - our excesses, withholdings, compulsions, and other harmful consumptions - and "yes" to freedom, moderation, and better health.  When we bow to God's authority, we invite Him to take control, and He is the one who does it.

"Breaking Free - Day By Day"  by Beth Moore

Thursday, August 9, 2018


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

Wear my robe of righteousness with ease.  I custom-made it for you, to cover you from head to toe.  The price I paid for this covering was astronomical - my own blood.  You could never purchase such a royal garment, no matter how hard you worked.  Sometimes you forget that My righteousness is a gift, and you feel ill at ease in your regal robe.  I weep when I see you squirming under the velvety fabric, as if it were made of scratchy sackcloth.

I want you to trust Me enough to realize your privileged position in My kingdom.  Relax in the luxuriant folds of your magnificent robe.  Keep your eyes on Me, as you practice walking in this garment of salvation.  When your behaviour is unfitting for one in My kingdom, do not try to throw off your royal robe.  Instead, throw off the unrighteous behaviour.  Then you will be able to feel at ease in this glorious garment, enjoying the gift I fashioned for you before the foundation of the world.

"Jesus Calling - Finding Peace in His Presence"

Wednesday, August 8, 2018


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea with the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

Understanding will never bring you Peace.  That's why I have instructed you to trust in Me, not in  your understanding.  Human beings have a voracious appetite for trying to figure things out, in order to gain a sense of mastery over their lives.  But the world presents you with an endless series of problems.  As soon as you master one set, another pops up to challenge you.  The relief you had anticipated is short-lived.  Soon your mind is gearing up again:  searching for understanding (mastery), instead of seeking Me (your Master).

The wisest of all men, Solomon, could never thinks his way through to Peace.  His vast understanding resulted in feelings of futility, rather than in fulfillment.  Finally, he lost his way and succumbed to the will of his wives by worshiping idols.

My Peace is not an elusive goal, hidden at the center of some complicated maze.  Actually, you are always enveloped in Peace, which is inherent in My Presence.  As you look to Me, you gain awareness of this precious Peace.

"Jesus Calling - Finding Peace in His Presence"

Thursday, August 2, 2018


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

Bring me the sacrifice of your time: a most precious commodity.  In this action-addicted world, few of My children take time to sit quietly in My Presence.  But for those who do, blessings flow like streams of living water.  I, the One from whom all blessings flow, am also blessed by our time together.  This is a deep mystery; do not try to fathom it.  Instead, glorify Me by delighting in Me.  Enjoy Me now and forever!

"Jesus Calling:  Enjoying Peace in His Presence"

Monday, June 4, 2018


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

Welcome challenging times as opportunities to trust Me.  You have Me beside you and My Spirit within you, so no set of circumstances is too much for you to handle.  When the path before you is dotted with difficulties, beware of measuring your strength against those challenges.  That calculation is certain to riddle you with anxiety.  Without Me, you wouldn't make it past the first hurdle!

The way to walk through demanding days is to grip My hand tightly and stay in close communication with Me.  Let your thoughts and spoken words be richly flavored with trust and thankfulness.  Regardless of the day's problems, I can keep you in perfect Peace as you stay close to Me.

"Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in His Presence"

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Even If....

Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

Sometimes life deals us a tremendous blow. Other times the miraculous happens.

Three young men, captives in Babylon, stood in front of the fearsome king of that land and boldly proclaimed that under no circumstances would they worship the giant image of gold towering above them. Together they declared: “If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know . . . we will not . . . worship the image” (Daniel 3:17–18).

These three men—Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego—were hurled into the fiery furnace; and God miraculously delivered them so that not a hair of their head was singed and their clothing was smoke-free (vv. 19–27). They had been prepared to die but their trust in God was unwavering—“even if” He had not saved them.

God desires that we cling to Him—even if our loved one isn’t healed, even if we lose our job, even if we are persecuted. Sometimes God rescues us from danger in this life, and sometimes He doesn’t. But the truth we can hold firmly is this: “The God we serve is able,” loves us, and is with us in every fiery trial, every even if.

"Our Daily Bread - By Alyson Kieda"

Tossing and Turning

Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

What keeps you awake at night? Lately I’ve been losing sleep, tossing and turning on my bed, trying to work out a solution to an issue. Eventually I begin fretting about not getting enough rest to handle the challenges of the next day!

Sound familiar? Troubled relationships, an uncertain future, whatever it is—we all give in to worry at one point or another.

King David was clearly in distress when he penned Psalm 4. People were ruining his reputation with groundless accusations (v. 2). And some were questioning his competency to rule (v. 6). David probably felt angry for being treated so unfairly. Surely he could have spent nights stewing about it. Yet we read these remarkable words: “In peace I will lie down and sleep” (v. 8).

Charles Spurgeon explains verse 8 beautifully: “In thus lying down, . . . [David] resigned himself into the hands of another; he did so completely, for in the absence of all care, he slept; there was here a perfect trust.” What inspired this trust? From the start, David was confident that God would answer his prayers (v. 3). And he was sure that since God had chosen to love him, He would lovingly meet his needs.

May God help us to rest in His power and presence when worries threaten. In His sovereign and loving arms, we can “lie down and sleep.”

"Our Daily Bread - By Poh Fang Chia"

Friday, May 18, 2018


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

I am a mighty God.  Nothing is too difficult for Me.  I have chosen to use weak ones like you to accomplish My purposes.  Your weakness is designed to open you up to My Power.  Therefore, do not fear your limitations or measure the day's demands against your strength.  What I require of you is to stay connected to Me, living in trusting dependence on My limitless resources.  When you face unexpected demands, there is no need to panic.  Remember that I am with you.  Talk with Me, and listen while I talk to you through each challenging situation.

I am not a careless God.  When I allow difficulties to come into your life, I equip you fully to handle them.  Relax in My Presence, trusting in My Strength.

Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in His Presence


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

Thank Me in the midst of the crucible.  When things seem all wrong, look for growth opportunities.  Especially, look for areas where you need to let go, leaving your cares in My able hands.  Do you trust Me to orchestrate your life events as I choose, or are you still trying to make things go according to your will?  If you keep trying to carry out your intentions while I am leading you in another direction, you deify your desires.

Be on the lookout for what I am doing in your life.  Worship Me by living close to Me, thanking Me in all circumstances.

Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in His Presence


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

Learn to relate to others through My Love rather than yours.  Your human love is ever so limited, full of flaws and manipulation.  My loving Presence, which always enfolds you, is available to bless others as well as you.  Instead of trying harder to help people through your own paltry supplies, become aware of My unlimited supply, which is accessible to you continually.  Let My Love envelop your outreach to other people.

Many of My precious children have fallen prey to burnout.  A better description of their condition might be "drainout."  Countless interactions with needy people have drained them, without their conscious awareness.  You are among these weary ones, who are like wounded soldiers needing R&R.  Take time to rest in the Love-Light of My Presence.  I will gradually restore to you the energy that you have lost over the years.  Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and you will find rest for your souls.

Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in His Presence


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

Thank Me for your problems.  As soon as your mind gets snagged on a difficulty, bring it to Me with thanksgiving.  Then ask Me to show you my way to handle the situation.  The very act of thanksgiving Me releases your mind from its negative focus.  As you turn your attention to Me, the problem fades in significance and loses its power to trip you up.  Together we can deal with the situation, either facing it head-on or putting it aside for later consideration.

Most of the situations that entangle your mind are not today's concerns; you have borrowed them from tomorrow.  In this case, I lift the problem out of today and deposit it in the future, where it is veiled from your eyes.  In its place I give you My Peace, which flows freely from My Presence.

Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in His Presence


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians  4:31

Do not resist or run from the difficulties in your life.  These problems are not random mistakes; they are hand-tailored blessings designed for your benefit and growth.  Embrace all the circumstances that I allow in your life, trusting Me to bring good out of them.  View problems as opportunities to rely more fully on Me.

When you start to feel stressed, let those feelings alert you to your need for Mr.  Thus, your needs become doorways to deep dependence on Me and increasing intimacy between us.  Although self-sufficiency is acclaimed in the world, reliance on Me produces abundant living in My kingdom.  Thank Me for the difficulties in your life, since they provide protection from the idolatry of self-reliance.

Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in His Presence


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

Don't be so hard on yourself.  I can bring good even out of your mistakes. Your finite mind tends to look backward, longing to undo decisions you have come to regret.  This is a waste of time and energy, leading only to frustration.  Instead of floundering in the past, release your mistakes to Me.  Look to Me in trust, anticipating that My infinite creativity can weave both good choices and bad into a lovely design.

Because you are human, you will continue to make mistakes.  Thinking that you should live an error-free life is symptomatic of pride.  Your failures can be a source of blessing, humbling you and giving you empathy for other people in their weaknesses.  Best of all, failure highlights your dependence on Me.  I am able to briTrust Me, and watch to see what I will do.

Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in His Presence

Saturday, May 12, 2018


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

You are on the path of my choosing.  There is no randomness about your life.  Here and Now comprise the coordinates of your daily life.  Most people let their moments slip through their fingers, half-lived.  They avoid the present by worrying about the future or longing for a better time and place.  They forget that they are creatures who are subject to the limitations of time and space.  They forget their Creator, who walks with them only in the present.

Every moment is alive with My glorious Presence, to those whose hearts are intimately connected with mine.  As you give yourself more and more to a life of constant communion with Me, you will find that you simply have no time for worry.  Thus, you are freed to let My Spirit direct your steps, enabling you to walk along the path of Peace.

Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in His Presence


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

Do not long for the absence of problems in your life.  That is an unrealistic goal, since in this world you will have trouble.  You have an eternity of problem-free living reserved for you in heaven.  Rejoice in that inheritance, which no one can take away from you, but do not seek your heaven on earth.

Begin each day anticipating problems, asking Me to equip you for whatever difficulties you will encounter.  the best equipping is My living Presence, My hand that never lets go of yours.  Discuss everything with Me.  Take a lighthearted view of trouble, seeing it as a challenge that you and I together can handle.  Remember that I am on your side, and I have overcome the world.

Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in His Presence

Wednesday, May 2, 2018


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians  4:31

WELCOME PROBLEMS as perspective-lifters. My children tend to sleepwalk through their days until they bump into an obstacle that stymies them. If you encounter a problem with no immediate solution, your response to that situation will take you either up or down. You can lash out at the difficulty, resenting it and feeling sorry for yourself. This will take you down into a pit of self-pity. Alternatively, the problem can be a ladder, enabling you to climb up and see your life from My perspective. Viewed from above, the obstacle that frustrated you is only a light and momentary trouble. Once your perspective has been heightened, you can look away from the problem altogether. Turn toward Me, and see the Light of My Presence shining upon you.

From the book: "Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace In His Presence"

Sunday, April 22, 2018


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

LET ME CONTROL YOUR MIND. The mind is the most restless, unruly part of mankind. Long after you have learned the discipline of holding your tongue, your thoughts defy your will and set themselves up against Me. Man is the pinnacle of My creation, and the human mind is wondrously complex. I risked all by granting you freedom to think for yourself. This is godlike privilege, forever setting you apart from animals and robots. I made you in My image, precariously close to deity.

Though My blood has fully redeemed you, your mind is the last bastion of rebellion. Open yourself to My radiant Presence, letting My Light permeate your thinking. When My Spirit is controlling your mind, you are filled with Life and Peace.

From the book: "Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace In His Presence"

Wednesday, April 18, 2018


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians  4:31

PEACE IS MY CONTINUAL GIFT TO YOU. It flows abundantly from My throne of grace. Just as the Israelites could not store up manna for the future but had to gather it daily, so it is with My Peace. The day-by-day collecting of manna kept My people aware of their dependence on Me. Similarly, I give you sufficient Peace for the present, when you come to Me by prayer and petition with thanksgiving. If I gave you permanent Peace, independent of My Presence, you might fall into the trap of self-sufficiency. May that never be!

I have designed you to need Me moment by moment. As your awareness of your neediness increases, so does your realization of My abundant sufficiency. I can meet every one of your needs without draining my resources at all. Approach My throne of grace with bold confidence, receiving My Peace with a thankful heart.

From the book: "Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace In His Presence"

Tuesday, April 17, 2018


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

I am training you in steadiness.  Too many things interrupt your awareness of Me.  I know that you live in a world of sight and sound, but you must not be a slave to those stimuli.  Awareness of me can continue in all circumstances, no matter what happens.  This is the steadiness I desire for you.

Don't let unexpected events throw you off course.  Rather, respond calmly and confidently, remembering that I am with you.  As soon as something grabs your attention, talk with Me about it.  Thus I share your joys and your problems; I help you cope with whatever is before you.  This is how I live in you and work through you.  This is the way of Peace.

"Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in His Presence"

Saturday, March 10, 2018


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians  4:31

This is the devotional, dated 3/6, - the day I walked into the courtroom, March 6, 2017.....

Continue on this path with Me, enjoying My Presence even in adversity.  I am always before you, as well as alongside you.  See Me beckoning to you:  Come!  Follow Me.  The One who goes ahead of you, opening up the way, is the same One who stays close and never lets go of your hand.  I am not subject to limitations of time or space.  I am everywhere, ceaselessly working on your behalf.  That is why your best efforts are trusting Me and living close to Me.

"Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in His Presence"


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians  4:31

Let Me help you through this day.  The challenges you face are far too great for you to handle alone.  You are keenly aware of your helplessness in the scheme of events you face.  This awareness opens up a choice; to doggedly go it alone or to walk with Me in humble steps of dependence.  Actually this choice is continually before you, but difficulties high light the decision-making process.  So, consider it all joy whenever you are enveloped in various trials.  These are gifts from Me, reminding you to rely on Me alone.

"Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in His Presence"

Monday, January 29, 2018


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamour and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians  4:31

KEEP YOUR FOCUS ON ME.  I have gifted you with amazing freedom, including the ability to choose the focal point of your mind. Only the crown of My creation has such remarkable capability; this is a sign of being made in My image.

Let the goal of this day be to bring every thought captive to Me.  Whenever your mind wanders, lasso those thoughts and bring them into My Presence.  In My radiant Light, anxious thoughts shrink and shrivel away.  Judgmental thoughts are unmasked as you bask in My unconditional Love.  Confused ideas are untangled while you rest in the simplicity of My Peace.  I will guard you and keep you in constant Peace, as you focus your mind on Me.

"Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in His Presence"

Thursday, January 25, 2018


Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamour and clamour and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians  4:31

MY Peace is the treasures of treasures: the pearl of great price.  It is an exquisitely costly gift, both for the Giver and the receiver.  I purchased this Peace for you with My blood.  You receive this gift by trusting Me in the midst of life's storms.  If you have the world's peace - everything going your way - you don't seek My unfathomable Peace.  Thank Me when things do not go your way, because spiritual blessings come wrapped in trials.  Adverse circumstances are normal in a fallen world.  Expect them each day.  Rejoice in the face of hardship, for I have overcome the world.

"Jesus Calling - Enjoying Peace in his Presence"