Friday, December 5, 2014

Go To The Devil

Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamour and evil speaking be put away from you with all malice."  Ephesians  4:31

  "But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil full of deadly poison."   James  3:8,9

     If you can watch only one thing today, to keep you from sinning - watch your tongue!  More people have been slain by the tongue than by the sword.  If you can control your tongue, you can manage the rest of your body (James  3:2).  How many a godly person's testimony has been completely ruined by one burst of temper, one bitter blast in an unguarded moment.  How many Christians endowed with wonderful gifts and ability have lost their usefulness because of a sharp tongue and cutting remarks which wound and smart and burn.  A whole day's blessing can be ruined by one unkind word!

     A certain Christian man had written a famous tract:  "Come to Jesus,"  which had promise of being greatly used of God in winning men for Christ.  Sometime afterward he entered into a theological argument and became so exceedingly angry with his opponent that he sat down and wrote a scorching, blistering, devastating article against this man, intending to have this article, bristling with sarcasm and invectives, published as an open letter in the church paper.  Before sending it in, he asked a friend to suggest a title for the article.  The friend read it carefully, hesitated, and then said,  "I suggest you call it 'GO TO THE DEVIL,' by the same author who wrote 'COME TO JESUS.'"  The article was never published.

     God help us to bridle our tongues today and we'll be able to handle the rest of the horse.  No matter how right you are, if you cannot say it kindly - Don't say it!  You can say the right thing in two ways, the right way - and the wrong way.  There is nothing men pay less attention to than their words.  They imagine if they do what is right, what they say doesn't matter.  Yet once a word is uttered it can never be recalled.

"Bread For Each Day"

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