Sunday, June 11, 2017

Lessons From a Chicken

Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians 4:31

                                 "In every thing give thanks . . . " 1 Thessalonians 5:18

When I was a boy my father kept a few chickens. I remember how mother would take me to feed the "chicks," and how they would come to the pan of fresh water and dip their beaks in the liquid and then lift their heads straight up and let the water run down their throats. One day I asked mother why the chickens lifted their heads when the drank and I shall never forget her answer. Said she, "They are lifting their heads in thanksgiving to God for their water." Of course, I know now that chickens don't know about God, but still the dumb creation praises God in its own way. The creation prays to God for deliverance (Romans 8:19-21). The trees of the fields are said to clap their hands, and the hills dance and skip like little lambs. The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows forth His handiwork. Even the day utters speech and the night showeth knowledge. Only man, of all God's creatures, forgets to thank Him for His blessings. If we were to write in a book all the blessings of the past week and then count the minutes we have spent to thank Him - it might awaken us to the need of "giving thanks."

A prominent church member and an old Indian whom he knew sat down opposite one another in a restaurant. The Indian bowed his head and waited for the professing church member to do likewise; but instead the man just began his meal, while the Indian paused to pray. A moment later the Indian said, "Do you know what you remind me of?" "Why no! What?" The Indian replied, "The man who sits down at a table and eats the food God gives him without thanking Him for it, reminds me of the hog under the oak tree eating acorns by the hour and never so much as looking up to see where the acorns come from." Remember, the wrath of God came upon the Gentiles for the sin of unthankfulness. Read Romans 1:21.

"Bread For Each Day"

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