Saturday, October 22, 2016

Digging Deep

Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians  4:31

                   Read Psalm 1 " a tree planted by the rivers of water." Psalm 1:3

Never mind reading the rest of this devotional, if you have not read the Scripture (Psalm 1). God's Word is far more important than anything I can say or write. These devotionals are NOT a substitute for Bible study - but only an aid to interest you in the Word. Today we talk about trees. David compares the believer to a tree (verse 3). I do not know what kind of a tree it was but I suspect it was a PEAR tree, for it suits my story so well. In my orchard are two pear trees. Last summer was excessively dry and all the vegetation was seared and withered. One of the pear trees was unaffected and remained fresh and green and yielded some luscious Bartlett pears. But the other tree did not do so well. Its leaves turned yellow, the fruit shriveled, and both dropped to the ground, leaving the tree DEAD (as it seemed from appearances). Then came the rains, and the ground was soaked with moisture. And the tree sprang to life again and was soon covered with leaves and (believe it or not) burst into full bloom. In the latter part of August it was full of blossoms, and little pears came into view - and then the FROST, and no fruit. The other tree was loaded. What was the difference? The one tree had its roots DEEP in the soil where it found water. The other had shallow roots, and depended on the uncertain rains for its fruit. The one was like David's tree, "planted by rivers of water." The other - though covered with belated bloom - bore no fruit.

What kind of a tree are you? Are your roots dug deep into the underground streams of the Word of God or do you depend upon the showers of circumstances? How sad to awaken too late to bear fruit, and be saved "so as by fire." Blossoms are PROMISES of fruit - but you cannot eat blossoms! DIG DEEP, brother, DEEP into the Book, and the drought of disappointment will not affect you.

"Bread for Each Day"

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