Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Jesus And Heaven

Come, sit and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians  4:31

                          " . . . but we know that . . . we shall see him . . . "  1 John  3:2

     Death ushers the believer instantly into the visible presence of the Saviour, for to be absent from the body is to be at Home with the Lord.  Yet many dread that momentous step from earth to heaven because so little of what will exactly transpire is related to us.  God cannot express in human language the preciousness of our passing from earth to Heaven.  We do believe that Jesus indicates in the true story in Luke 15 that the angels will guide us safely to our destination (see verse 22), and that He Himself, will walk with us through the "Valley of the Shadow"  (Psalm  23;4); but beyond that, little more has been revealed.

     A Christian who was very ill once said to his physician,  "Doctor, I am afraid to die.  What happens to a Christian in that mystic hour of death?"  Very quietly the doctor said,  "I do not believe anyone really knows exactly!"  As he walked across the sickroom to the door, he wished desperately that he could say something more comforting.  Suddenly, as he stood holding the doorknob, there came the sound of scratching and whining from the other side.  As the doctor opened the door, his faithful dog sprang into the room and leaped on him with an eager show of gladness.  Turning to the patient the physician said,  "Did you notice that dog of mine?  He had never been in this room before.  He did not know what was inside.  He knew nothing except that his master was here, and when the door was opened he sprang in without fear.  As Christians we know little of what is on the other side of death except that it will be glory and blessing, but we do know one thing - that our Master and Saviour is there and that is enough!  When the door opens I shall pass through with no fear but with gladness, for I know I shall 'see His face.'"  Yes, to be with Christ is "far better" - it can be nothing but glory!

"Bread For Each Day"

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