Thursday, November 19, 2015

What Time Did You Get Up?

Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."  Ephesians  4:31

            " . . . in the morning, then ye shall see the glory of the Lord."  Exodus  16:7

     Will you please tell me what time it is?  My, oh my, is it that late already and you are just eating your breakfast?  What time did you get up this morning?  Yes, yes, I know you are late but why are you so late? You have missed the very best part of the day - the morning, when all is still and fresh and sweet, when the dew bejewels the grass and the birds sing their sweetest.  I know you were sleepy, and it was hard to get up early, but why didn't you go to bed earlier last night?  You sat up to watch a television show and this morning you missed the greatest show of all - the sunrise.  You sat up to listen to the "can-can" and the "boop da doop" of modern music (??), and you missed the greatest orchestra in nature - the birds singing their chorus at dawn.

     Really it doesn't make sense to stay awake so late by artificial light, that you have to spend three hours of glorious sunshine and daylight lying in bed in the morning.  The morning is the best time of the day, when nature awakens refreshed, when your faculties are at their peak.  It is the best time for meditation, for prayer, for communion with God.  If you begin the day late, all the rest of the day you be will late.

     Remember, the manna fell upon the dew in the morning.  After the sun grew hot it melted.  Morning is the time to sing (Psalm  59:16).  Morning is the time to praise (Psalm  92:2).  Morning is the time to pray  (Mark  1:35).  Morning is the time of resurrection and life (Mark  16:2).

     What a mixed up world!  We have become a flock of bats and owls, instead of larks and canaries.  Tomorrow morning, try it - splash cold water in your face, take a deep breath of morning air, behold the majesty of the sunrise and then read a chapter of the Bible, lift your heart in praise and prayer.  You'll feel better all day.  ". . . in the morning . . . see the glory"  (Exodus 16:7).  In the morning take time for mediation.

"Bread For Each Day"

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