Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Double Vision

Come, sit, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the comfort of the Lord:  "Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamour and evil speaking be put away from you with all malice."  Ephesians  4:31

 " ... if therefore thine eye be single, they whole body shall be full of light."  Matthew  6:22

     To be "single-eyed" does not mean to see with only one eye, but it means that both eyes see the same thing.  The normal eye is so constructed that the image of the thing looked at is transmitted to the brain in such a way that both images from both eyes are blended perfectly together and appear as one.  In certain diseases this perfect balance is disturbed and the patient has "double vision."  He sees two objects where there is really only one.  It is a serious and dangerous thing, interfering with walking and picking up things. To walk safely the eye must be single.  If we are to walk worthy of Christ we must see only Him.  Walking with one eye on Him and another on the world will make us stumble and fall, for Jesus says, in explaining the single eye,  "no man can serve two masters."

     A friend of mine has a dog so trained that he can hold a piece of juicy steak right before the dog's eyes and within a few inches of his nose.  He says,  "Don't touch,"  and the hungry dog remains motionless with the tempting aroma filling his nostrils.  But the command,  "No!  Don't touch"  is obeyed, and for minutes not a move toward the meat is made.  Finally, I noticed the secret.  The dog never once looked at the meat, but all the while looked straight into the face of his master.  He has a "single" eye and and overcame temptation by keeping his eye on his master.

     Beware of the compromise of sin.  If your eyes are on Him you will walk in the light.  Don't put out the light by seeing double.  A drunkard staggering home one night found a candle left burning for him by his wife. "Two candles," said the poor drunk, for his drunkenness made him see everything double.  "I will blow out just one of the two,"  said he, and as he blew it out he found himself in total darkness.  Sin and compromise will rob you of the "single eye."  Today keep your eyes on Him!

"Bread For Each Day"

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